What Can Dermal Fillers Do For You?

Nowadays, more people are willing to look for a safe and effective anti-ageing treatment that will help them keep a youthful glow. But according to a study from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), there is a significant increase in the number of people who opted to undergo non-surgical treatments like anti-wrinkle injectables and dermal fillers instead of the more invasive cosmetic surgeries. But despite the current popularity of dermal filler treatments in the market, how can you make sure that it is the right anti-ageing treatment for you?

By definition, dermal fillers are known as a non-invasive treatment meant for facial rejuvenation since it helps lessen the appearance of facial lines and bring back the volume and fullness in one’s face that were usually diminish as a person ages. By using this type of treatment, dermal fillers an replace soft tissues to plump up the sections of the skin where the injectable will be administered. It can also help define the facial features and hydrate the patient’s skin.

Patients can opt to have dermal filler treatments to plump up their thin lips, soften facial wrinkles and other skin creases around the face, fix the appearance of recessed scars, as well as in enhancing the shallow contours of the face.

Marie Claire also reported that there are other uses for dermal filler treatments, such as relaxing the upper lip to lessen the appearance of a gummy smile, improve the appearance of ear lobes that drooped after prolonged wearing of heavy chandelier earrings, lessen the visible wrinkles on the hands, build up the cheekbones to create a slight shadow, and round the forehead to create the illusion of a fuller temple.

The report also mentioned that using dermal fillers to redefine the nose could be a safer alternative against the invasive surgical rhinoplasty. “A liquid rhinoplasty refers to a non-surgical rhinoplasty in which dermal fillers are injected into the nose to help balance nasal proportions,” Park Avenue plastic surgeon Dr. Melissa Doft stated. “It is ideal for camouflaging a small hump or slight asymmetries, or building up the bridge of a flat or wide nose to create a defined pyramid, and thus giving the illusion of a narrower nose.”

It can also make it a jawline appear stronger. “Many patients believe their necks are poorly defined or their noses are too large,” Dr. Doft also stated. “This is often due to an under-projected chin.” Because we know fillers add volume, some (tastefully) added here and there = a more sculpted, Vanessa Axente-like profile.

There are also several dermal filler formulas that that remove the appearance of crow’s feet, eyebrow lines, frown lines, as well as nasolabial folds.

Most of the time, this type of cosmetic treatment can be considered safe. However, you must always make sure that the treatment will only be administered by an accredited expert to avoid any problems. That is why it is very important to look for authorized medical practitioner who knows how to properly inject dermal fillers.

Benefits of Getting Dermal Fillers from Dermatology Professionals

Feel bothered by wrinkles and deep lines on your skin? There’s an effective aesthetic treatment available for you. Fillers can help reduce the appearance of those unwanted lines so you can enjoy smooth, younger-looking skin.


These lines become more visible as you age as your skin starts to lose collagen. Collagen is a type of protein, most abundant in human body, and is crucial in shaping skin. Apart from reduced collagen, there are several other factors that can deepen natural lines in your body. Air pollution, smoking, and stress are among those that can affect the appearance of your skin.


With the help of dermal fillers, you can bring back your skin’s youthful glow.  What are the benefits of getting these fillers?


  • It’s non-invasive. Experience little downtime. After getting your skin fillers, you can immediately proceed to your daily activities. You will not have to stay locked up in your room or indoors. It’s a treatment that fits today’s busy individuals. This means that you can book an appointment conveniently even if you only have limited time during the day. You can even arrange with the aesthetic clinic to receive the treatment at a schedule that works best for you.


  • Reduce appearance of unwanted lines. This is the major benefit to getting dermal filler. You no longer have to endure those lines in your skin that you feel are making you look older than your actual age. It’s best that you first schedule a consultation with dermatology experts so they can also take a look at natural lines you’re looking to minimize. Here you’ll be able to gather recommendations on how you can keep your skin healthier. You’ll also be advised whether the aesthetic filler is the best option for your needs.


  • Adding volume to your skin. With the presence of natural lines, skin may appear dry and saggy. Getting skin fillers help replenish volume into your skin so it no longer looks as though bulging. You’ll feel more confident to go out and about and your skin will look much younger.


  • See long-lasting results. You can enjoy the results of your treatment for a long time. Of course healthy diet and lifestyle habits are still crucial. You need to feed your body nutrition it needs to keep your skin healthy-looking. Aesthetic fillers will help take care of those lines you hope will be gone. You do the rest of the work making sure you indulge in nutritious meals.


Skin is important as it’s your most prominent feature. Good skin boosts your self-esteem and in turn, makes you feel happier too. If you are curious about skin fillers and how they will work for you, feel free to see dermatology professionals.


This is also your opportunity to discuss other concerns you may have such as the treatment cost. The cost can vary depending on the number of session your skin and personal goals require. Then again, you can understand this better if you speak with skin experts.


Go visit an aesthetic clinic today. Enjoy better skin with no fuss.

How Thermage Can Make You Youthful Again


As we age, our skin ages too. This is the reason why we notice sagging skin, wrinkles, harder to remove acne spots, and even darkening areas on our faces and other parts of the body. As natural as this saddening reality, our skin is likely to give away our age especially when we do not take good care of our selves. In fact, as early as our late 20s, these signs of skin aging begin to show.  As some would say, gravity has a way of really pulling things down—and our skin is no exemption. However, as technology advances, we now can rely on good cosmetic products and non-invasive cosmetic treatment to bring back our skin’s lustre and tighten the sagging areas on different parts of our bodies. One of these newfangled non-invasive cosmetic procedure is thermage skin tightening treatment.


For a clearer definition, thermage is a “ non-invasive cosmetic treatment used to improve the general appearance of ageing skin. It is proven effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, tightening loose and sagging skin as well as smoothening its surface. It works by stimulating collagen growth using radiofrequency energy.” Thermage skin tightening is relatively new in the beauty and wellness industry as it was just introduced a decade back, but has quickly been used in 80 different countries around the world especially of women who wanted to minimize or totally diminish any unwanted signs of skin ageing. A lot of patients and customers of facial centers and clinics prefer this treatment as the effect is immediate and the positive turnout is seen as early as the first procedure. Some patients though book a series of thermage treatment with long gaps in between to  achieve the optimum goal of bringing back that youthful skin. However, there are patients who can already attest to being satisfied with the result even when they just did it as a one-time procedure.


Thermage works its wonders best in the following areas: the eyelids, the chest and the neck, the face particularly the jawline, and the backs of the hands.  As these areas are often exposed to the sun and other environmental elements compounded by bad lifestyle habits, we are likely to develop bothering skin imperfections like scowl lines, cellulites, crow’s feet, acne scars, unsightly bulges, uneven skin tones, not to mention those very visible wrinkles and sagging skin.



Thermage is not only a good non-invasive treatment to tighten the skin,  it can also noticeably give a better contour to the area of our faces and bodies that have been rounded and undefined due to stored fats like one’s jawline. As we know, a well contoured face and body make one look more attractive and eye-catching. In fact, people automatically identify others to be beautiful when they have well-chiselled features and appear to have symmetrical figures. Add to the promise of a more tightened, less-wrinkly, and more defined contour, thermage can also make the skin’s surface smoother and glowing. With this treatment, it is like hitting 10 birds with a single stone. A very good alternative to facelift, chemical peels, and other invasive surgeries, thermage is a lot safer and less risky.

“The pros of thermage is that it is a one time procedure.  There is no discomfort and no after care.  It is a simple painless safe in office procedure to tighten the skin.  It is especially useful around the face, eyes, and abdomen.  The cons is that if you have poor skin laxity you may not be a good candidate. Surgery may be the only option if you are very wrinkled or have too much extra skin,” vowed Michele S. Green, MD, a dermatologist in New York. True enough a lot of people who underwent thermage can freely and honestly say that they looked 10 years younger after just the first time of availing the treatment.

5 Ways to Make Customers Visit Your Flower Shop

Getting people to visit your flower shop takes creativity and time, particularly with the number of choices people have at store front businesses and online flower delivery in Singapore. To help you grow the foot traffic to your shop, this article offers five ways on how you can do it.

5 Ways to Make Customers Visit Your Flower Shop

  1. Begin from the outside and look in the inside. If your shop is located on a foot traffic area, try your best to identify the type of people that passes by this area. You can observe nearby your window or sit outside to assess the demographic of who comes and goes. Do they stop and look at your windows? Have they come from another store close by? Do you receive inquiry related to express florist services?

Next step is to set your eyes on your window and signage display, are you convinced that they appeal to your buyer or target demographic? Take note of the busiest time as well. From these observations, think of the ways on how you can optimise your window display and merchandise to attract more clients at that time.

You can inform the bypassers about your latest promotion, or offer them coupons or conduct flower arranging workshop announced using a sidewalk signage, etc.

Lastly, why not decorate the outside area of your shop with flowers or look for a certain area where you can show the calendar of events you have for your customers.

  1. Leverage on your current clients. If your shop is just newly opened or you’re a new florist in Singapore and doesn’t have existing clients yet, getting customers to visit your store will be very challenging. Therefore, you have to cultivate the walk-in traffic which means going above and beyond.

People in this business recommend that you must first build a personal connection with each client. You have to be sincere and honest with them. One great idea is to call or send them a personal thank you note for their orders. You could also maximise the use of your POS system to know the birthdays of your customers to be able to send out Happy Birthday cards or emails with a birthday promo rate or surprise once they decided to visit the shop during their birthday month. Another idea is to have an “early-bird” sale just for existing customers before the shop is advertised to the general public.

  1. Give them the reason to get into your flower shop. This is more of a trial and error system because you just simply need to work on different approaches to get clients visit your shop. Why not set a meeting with your staff and brainstorm ideas and make them tell you what they think draws people into different shops.

For this article, here are some of the ideas you can try: offer a free gift (chocolates or teddy bear especially during the Valentine’s Day) for every purchase, think of a giveaway promo to entice your customers, set a raffle draw period, and more.

  1. Use the social media to grow your business. Today, most flower delivery shops in Singapore use the social media to increase their sales. You can provide an exclusive offer to those people who follow or like your page. In addition, make sure that all your contact information are clearly stated on the about page for the clients to reach you anytime.

Engage with them on a more personal level. Show them the customer’s most favourite flower arrangement. Post the images of your happy and hard-working staff working. Or, inform them about your limited designs that they can only avail during your shop’s anniversary celebration.


Benefits of Getting Dermal Filler Injections

Dermal fillers are a popular way to rejuvenate the face. What makes this treatment even more ideal is that it’s quick and painless. If you are not used to being in the clinic and receiving any type of treatment, you may still be able to receive dermal filler injections without a fuss. The procedure is safe, but of course you need to ensure that you’re going to a licensed practitioner.


How Does a Dermal Filler Work?

Dermal filler helps get rid fine lines and wrinkles so you can achieve a younger looking skin. Our skin is exposed to harsh elements every day, add to that the stress we also encounter from time to time. If you feel that your skin is losing its volume or shape, this treatment may be the solution for you. You can have areas in your face, such as the cheek and the chin, augmented.


One of the best things about dermal filler products is that they can as well be applied on the lips, chest, and hands. You also need not to worry about looking different after every treatment. Every treatment, when done by a professional, will turn out natural-looking. People may not even notice specific changes in your looks, except that you will appear younger. If you want to soften the visible lines on your face, your dermatologist can help you out. Just ask about dermal fillers and the wonders it can do for you.


Your doctor will understand if you don’t want to look as though you’ve had work done after getting the treatment. That’s what exactly they’re aiming for during the treatment. Note, however, that your cooperation is crucial. Be honest if you have more concerns or worries, or if you are receiving any medical treatment previously or at the moment.


Say Goodbye to Downtimes

Dermal filler requires no downtime. The most that you can get after the treatment is redness on the area but this is only temporary and should subside after a few hours. You can set your appointment around lunchtime and be back working on your errands right after.


In Singapore where everyone is always on the go, your desire to enjoy fresher looking skin shouldn’t slow you down. This is also one of the reasons why dermal filler is sought after. You only need to listen to the advice of your doctor for necessary preparations. Fifteen minutes before starting the treatment, anaesthetic cream will be applied to the area. This should come with very little discomfort so you can relax throughout.


If you’re getting services from a licensed dermatologist, the fillers can last up to 9 months. Your doctor will advise you on your options so don’t hesitate to ask questions. Your personal goals will be considered as long as any concerns you may have.


If you’re interested in getting fillers, you can get started looking for a dermatology clinic that offers this service. The filler may also be combined with other treatments, but you don’t have to say yes if you’re not ready for it. Think through your options and talk to as many licensed doctors as possible.

Perks of Flower Delivery Service from Online Florists


Do you usually send flowers to your loved ones? Flowers are great gifts, regardless the occasion. They are known to speak messages that people may not even be able to put to words. Their beauty is also a classic, lighting up a room in an instant.


If you have already experienced requesting for flower delivery anywhere in Singapore, you understand that doing it the first time can be challenging. However, once you’ve finally found a florist that you’ll want to work with for the long term, the transaction will be a lot easier for you. That said, it pays to take note of your experience with every florist you work with in Singapore.


Look for trusted florists that have been in the industry for several years now. Even if you do not know the recipient’s favourite flower or the type of flower arrangement to send, you can still delight with your present. Your florist will make sure that your flower gift will be received.


On this post, we’ll talk about the perks you can enjoy from getting to know your florist and eventually picking the best one to order all your flower arrangement needs in the future.


Wide variety of flower arrangements

Florists can provide flower arrangements across occasions. They understand the sentiment you wish to send with every flower gift you order. You also will not have to worry about sending the wrong message. They are more than knowledgeable on various meanings behind every bloom type and colour.


Once you have found a flower shop that you feel has all types of flower arrangements you need, be sure to stay in touch. Who knows, the florist, overtime, may be able to customise arrangements based on your personality too. Then your recipient will feel that the gift is special as it’s not like any other bouquet they’ve seen before. It’s specially arranged for you and the person receiving it.


If you are unable to go out and shop for gifts, simply get in touch with the florist to help you prepare a flower arrangement for delivery. The job is done without you doing the heavy work.


Customised gift packages

Whether you’re looking for a grand opening flower stand for a friend’s new business or an arrangement for someone celebrating their birthday, you can find the best gift in a flower shop.


Experienced florists offer more than flowers in their product catalog. They can also prepare special packages for special occasions.


If you want to send desserts or even cakes, you can inquire if they have partnerships with bakeries. Chances are they also partner with other suppliers to ensure that every gift package is made to delight.


You can add scents, fruits, and even wine to your gift. Just let your florist know and they will help you out.


Most important, flowers delivered fresh at recipient’s doorstep

There are florists offering 24 hours flower delivery in Singapore. It’s a great idea for surprising someone and sending your love all the way, wherever you may be.


For an affordable price, you can make someone happy. You even receive personal assistance from expert florists. So go ahead, request for flower delivery today and take note of your experience.


Enjoy the benefits of having a go-to florist in Singapore within your reach!


One way to Deal with Aging Skin


Aging is a natural stage in one’s life. But this doesn’t mean that you let it eat you without taking steps to maintain the skin of your health. You should continuously pamper your skin in order to preserve that young looking skin while living your age. When you avail of a dermal filler, it is as if you would look a lot younger and fresher without denying your age.

Such treatment is just one of the many advanced ways on how to deal with aging skin. This treatment is however loved by many clients for it gives amazing results. It is also used to combine with other treatments for better results. With this technique, a naturally–derived synthetic material is directly injected into the skin. Through that material, the skin flattens as if no wrinkle or fold appears. There are different kinds of fillers resulting to different duration of results. There are those which could last for six months and there are those which could last for years.

Botox is another way to achieve the same results. However, they have different mode to come up with such results. While Botox prevents the muscles from movements that would lessen wrinkles, dermal filler on the other hand lessens the wrinkling result. With dermal filler, you are able to move naturally while maintaining the normal stretch of your skin and cells. It is used to tighten your skin cells and bring out that flat, non-wrinkled and non-folded skin. Deep folds are normal but it does not mean you go along with it by not doing anything.

This procedure is done by a specialist in the field. The specialist must have gone training in order to execute the right methods and details. The procedure must be cautiously done because it is still an artificial method. There are also different kinds of skin and the specialist must first assess and evaluate your skin before confirming if such procedure is indeed suitable for you. Sometimes, there are contraindications for such procedure that is why it is still best to consult a specialist regarding the procedure. Also, as a precaution, it is the worst idea to do it yourself.

Of course the outcome would depend on the propriety of the procedure to your skin. It also depends on the compliance of the patient to the doctor’s order or prescriptions after the procedure. Also, we said that the duration of the result would depend on the kind of filler you will choose. Not all fillers would end up with the same results with different skin types. The more the wrinkles are, the more treatment is needed compared to a much lesser wrinkled skin, the lesser treatment or frequency is needed.

These is one of the ways for you to solve your aging skin problems. There is no need for you to hide it because in the first place, you cannot hide wrinkles around your mouth or your forehead. You just have to deal with it either let it stay there or try to preserve the elasticity of your skin through an advanced procedure that has been tested. But always remember to get a consult first before pursuing the procedure. Remember as you age, you still have to take care of yourself – and this is one way of doing so.

Forever Young at 40


I thought it would be scary to turn 40. Society has been very imposing on women who are at a certain age, single and childless; it does not matter if we are independent and successful, people truly judge us by certain standards that have been  carried on from generation to generation. I personally try not to feel pressured by unrealistic expectations about how we should dress and present ourselves in public—but , honestly, there is one thing that shakes me and really pay attention to: it is when my dermatologist tell me that it is time for another facial treatment.  Well, it is not my first time to encounter derma fillers as I admittedly had a long history with dark and depressive eye bags. I had more than one derma filler treatment since I was 30 as dark eyebags runs in the family (plus I used to really stay up late when I had deadlines to finish at work). I learned my lessons, but still, facial aging is something that cannot be helped.  I have been recommending this non-surgical manner of fighting aging realities that can make us older than we actually are.
Here is a rundown of reasons why I believe in this skincare treatment and some rudimentary knowledge that can make you trust the derma fillers treatment.

  • Instant result: Right after the treatment, I noticed how lighter that under-eye problematic area has become. I used to look angsty and gloomy when I had darker undereye but I noticed how my faced truly looked clearer and more pleasant after dermafill.
  • Non-surgical: Unlike some invasive and chemical procedures, I did not have to endure a frightening under-the-knife treatment. Injections were involved but are totally safe. It helped that my dermatologist kept assuring me and was kind enough to tell me every little procedure that she had been performing.
  • Youthful Glow: My sister who was just two years younger also tried the treatment but for a different reason: she wanted to augment her cheeks. And, just pure WOW, I thought she looked 21 again after because of that glow that not a lot of women my age can ever naturally take back—and not even the best make up could fake.  Since then, she has been allotting ample time and finances to great care of her skin.  She notably said that it increased her confidence and made her more assertive at work. Not a bad effect, right?
  • For Stubborn Scars: My dermatologist also mentioned that it can actually help even out the facial skin again from scars caused by chicken pox or even severe acne. I thought those skin problems before were hopeless. It is such a delight and relief to know that the advancement of today’s technology has sought ways for us to have solutions for these facial problems.

I suggest that you get to know more of the benefits and risk of any kind of facial treatment that you are going to do. Make sure to check your doctor’s credibility and license and do not hesitate to ask more enlightening questions as possible.

Remember that while beauty may seem like only skin deep for some, it never hurts to take care of our appearance to feel good about ourselves.

Written by: Jade Grimstone

Safe and Effective Treatments For a Beautiful Body and Skin

Maintaining a refreshing look and healthy physique at the same time is no joke. It takes discipline and dedication to keep up with your beauty regimen and diet.  Thankfully, there many rejuvenating treatments available today that will help you take better care of your skin and body. Feeling and looking fresh and beautiful is less complicated by getting these treatments on a regular basis.  Here are simple treatments you can try to stay fit and gorgeous.

Organic facial treatment

  1. It will give your face a youthful glow.

Do you want to achieve a healthy radiant skin? Get an organic facial treatment in Singapore. Apart from giving your face nice glow and color, it prevents skin damage as well.  This treatment also unclogs pores, exfoliates and deeply cleanses your skin, lessens acne, minimizes old scars, and keeps your skin soft and hydrated.

  1. It is 100% safe.

Organic facials use only pure and natural ingredients which may compose of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Since not a single artificial preservative is added, it is complete safe. The treatment is guaranteed effective with no side effects or anything that can cause damage to your skin. Extracts from the all-natural ingredients provide antioxidants and help your facial skin cells regenerate.

  1. It is ideal for all skin types.

Unlike regular facial care products, organic facials contain no chemicals that can potentially be harsh for your skin. Nature alone will revitalize your skin. This facial treatment is perfect for all skin types and highly recommended for those who have a sensitive skin. It helps keep your skin firm and cure skin problems faster.

Detox & slimming treatment       

  1. It will boost your energy.

Detox, when done correctly has a lot of benefits for your body and overall wellness. Aside from giving you a slimmer figure in the long run, it also gives you an energy boost. Refraining from consuming excessive sugar, caffeine, and fat and taking fruits and vegetables instead, will reward your body with natural energy.  Combine this practice with constantly keeping your body hydrated as you work your way to weight loss.   

  1. It cleanses the body and removes excess waste.

Looking for an effective way to get rid of excessive waste stored up in your body? Try getting a detox & slimming treatment in Singapore. While freeing your body with toxins the programme will also start to alter your body. The slimming programme has different stages and results can be felt within three to four months.

  1. It results to weight loss.

Avoiding unhealthy habits is important to make your detox and slimming programme effective.  By focusing in lowering your intake of calories and exercising regularly, you can lose weight without sacrificing your health. The key to consistently shed weight is by eating good food and keeping an active and healthy lifestyle.

What kind of detox & slimming treatment in Singapore have you tried before? Are there any other effective treatments and programmes you can suggest to achieve a desirable figure and beautiful skin?

Buffet Catering – Helpful Tips When Looking For One

Indeed, planning an event can be both rewarding and stressful. It can be stressful in the sense that you will be put in charge of almost everything related to the event. More often than not, you will have to deal with confirming the venue, securing the perfect entertainment for the guests, get in touch with a company that’ll set up the decorations and more. However, if you manage to pull it off without a hitch, it sure can be rewarding especially when you see the guests having fun and enjoying the party.

Now, a party wouldn’t be complete without the food. This is one of the most important elements that shouldn’t be overlooked when organizing an event. Though you cannot forget the music and entertainment, it is a big NO to leave your guests without food to fill them up. That is why it is essential that as early as possible, you secure a contract with a suitable Singapore buffet catering company. Once you do so, you can cross this off in your list.

With the abundance of buffet catering companies today, it can’t be that difficult to make a decision on which one to choose. However, some first-timers can feel a bit overwhelmed with the many different choices they have. And to avoid this, here are some tips that could give you a helping hand in looking and choosing a Singapore buffet catering service.

  1. Ask for recommendations. You can seek recommendations from family and friends for any catering service they know. This will help save you time as you can have a list of catering service providers to consider after you finish your research about them. If you remember attending a wedding or seminar and loved the food served, you can ask for the caterer or catering company’s name from the person involved.
  2. Make sure to take into account the budget when choosing a catering company. It is very important to work around the budget you have allotted for this element. If you can’t afford the seminar catering Singapore based service, then there is no use hiring them. You will just end up having to worry if there’s enough food for everyone. Although it can be tempting to go for the most excellent catering company, remember to check if their rate is within your allocated budget. If not, then you can start looking for one that offers their catering service at a reasonable price.
  3. Take the time to read reviews from past customers. Most often than not, reading reviews from past customers who have tried hiring the catering company before can be extremely helpful. You will have an insight on how tasty the food is, the level of service the company provides and more. Reviews can be very telling and if you encounter countless of negative reviews, you know you have to look for another seminar catering Singapore based company. Of course, make sure that the reviews are legit.

Hopefully, you now have an idea on how you should start looking for a Singapore buffet catering company. Making sure that you don’t go way beyond the budget but still serving great food is the way to go.