Forever Young at 40


I thought it would be scary to turn 40. Society has been very imposing on women who are at a certain age, single and childless; it does not matter if we are independent and successful, people truly judge us by certain standards that have been  carried on from generation to generation. I personally try not to feel pressured by unrealistic expectations about how we should dress and present ourselves in public—but , honestly, there is one thing that shakes me and really pay attention to: it is when my dermatologist tell me that it is time for another facial treatment.  Well, it is not my first time to encounter derma fillers as I admittedly had a long history with dark and depressive eye bags. I had more than one derma filler treatment since I was 30 as dark eyebags runs in the family (plus I used to really stay up late when I had deadlines to finish at work). I learned my lessons, but still, facial aging is something that cannot be helped.  I have been recommending this non-surgical manner of fighting aging realities that can make us older than we actually are.
Here is a rundown of reasons why I believe in this skincare treatment and some rudimentary knowledge that can make you trust the derma fillers treatment.

  • Instant result: Right after the treatment, I noticed how lighter that under-eye problematic area has become. I used to look angsty and gloomy when I had darker undereye but I noticed how my faced truly looked clearer and more pleasant after dermafill.
  • Non-surgical: Unlike some invasive and chemical procedures, I did not have to endure a frightening under-the-knife treatment. Injections were involved but are totally safe. It helped that my dermatologist kept assuring me and was kind enough to tell me every little procedure that she had been performing.
  • Youthful Glow: My sister who was just two years younger also tried the treatment but for a different reason: she wanted to augment her cheeks. And, just pure WOW, I thought she looked 21 again after because of that glow that not a lot of women my age can ever naturally take back—and not even the best make up could fake.  Since then, she has been allotting ample time and finances to great care of her skin.  She notably said that it increased her confidence and made her more assertive at work. Not a bad effect, right?
  • For Stubborn Scars: My dermatologist also mentioned that it can actually help even out the facial skin again from scars caused by chicken pox or even severe acne. I thought those skin problems before were hopeless. It is such a delight and relief to know that the advancement of today’s technology has sought ways for us to have solutions for these facial problems.

I suggest that you get to know more of the benefits and risk of any kind of facial treatment that you are going to do. Make sure to check your doctor’s credibility and license and do not hesitate to ask more enlightening questions as possible.

Remember that while beauty may seem like only skin deep for some, it never hurts to take care of our appearance to feel good about ourselves.

Written by: Jade Grimstone

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